SPEND $0 - $100

Start your journey here, gaining access to members-only discounts and double point days. Earn 1 point per dollar spent.

SPEND $101 - $1,000

Leap forward with 1 point per dollar, special discounts and promotions exclusively for Young Grasshoppers, and access to giveaways. Get 100 bonus points on your birthday.

SPEND $1,001 - $2,000

Achieve greatness with 1.25 points per dollar, special discounts and promotions exclusively for OGs, eligibility for bonus points and access to curated events and giveaways.

SPEND $2,001+

Because every Cloud must have its silver lining. Touch the sky with 1.5 points per dollar, our bulk discounts and promotions reserved exclusively for Silver Lining members, and access to curated events, giveaways, and other exclusive benefits. 



  • How do I sign up for the Cloud Club?

    Signing up is easy, just follow this link here.

  • What is the Cloud Club loyalty program?

    The Cloud Club is more than just a loyalty program. Cloud Club transforms every transaction into a step towards unparalleled benefits and curated experiences. 

  • How does the Cloud Club loyalty program work?

    Members can accrue earned points (G-points) based on their purchases at Grasshopper Club. These points can be redeemed for discounts on future purchases and count towards Cloud Club membership status. In addition, all members are eligible for bonus points in connection with specific promotions and events. 

  • What are the different tiers in the Cloud Club loyalty program?

    Start as a Member, evolve into a Young Grasshopper, then an OG, and finally reach the Silver Lining tier, where the sky's the limit.

  • How are points accrued in the Cloud Club loyalty program?

    Points are accrued based on the tier:

      - Young Grasshopper: 1 G-point per dollar spent

      - OG: 1.25 G-points per dollar spent

      - Silver Lining: 1.5 G-points per dollar spent

  • How do I redeem points in the Cloud Club loyalty program?

    Points can be redeemed at a rate of 0.04 per point towards purchases.

  • Are there any special benefits for birthdays?

    Yes indeed! OGs and Silver Lining members will receive birthday points and other perks.

  • Do Cloud Club points expire?

    Yes, all points evaporate into the clouds (expire) after 6 months on a rolling basis.

  • Who do I contact with any questions related to Cloud Club?

    Please reach out to cloudclub@grasshopperclub.com for any questions.

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